Hornady .204 Ruger 40gr V-Max Ammunition 83206

Hornady .204 Superformance 40Gr V-Max Ammunition

Our Code: 090255832068

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Superformance Varmint ammunition from Hornady is 100 to 200 fps faster than any conventional ammo delivering devastating terminal results. It achieves a flatter trajectory for increased range and less wind drift over conventional ammunition whilst maintaining Hornady accuracy.

The polymer tip of the 32 grain V-Max bullet gives tack driving accuracy at long ranges and dramatic expansion on impact.

Muzzle Velocity: 3900 fps

Trajectory: Muzzle - -1.5" / 100 yds - 0.7" / 200 yds - 0" / 300 yds - -4.3" / 400 yds - -13.2"

Hornady Code: 83206

Manufacturer Hornady
Type Expanding
Caliber .204 Ruger
Shipping Destinations This Item Is For Instore Collection Only
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